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Drivers education

A digital driving instructor is just as good as a real one

Too many people die in road traffic accidents. Full-scale driving simulator training can help change that trend. An AI driving instructor can tailor the instruction, and people who need to practice driving around roundabouts can complete 30 attempts in 30 minutes.

Building greenhouses on the moon out of moon dust

Is it possible to build greenhouses on the moon without transporting any materials from Earth? Researchers at NTNU Social Research and SINTEF believe it is, and are assisting the European Space Agency (ESA).

Climate emissions from air travel 50 per cent higher than reported

A new study that looked at nearly 40 million flights in 2019 was able to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions from air travel for nearly every country on the planet. At 911 million tonnes, the total emissions from aviation are 50 per cent higher the 604 million tonnes reported to the United Nations for that year.

Robots. The picture shows Professor Ingrid Bouwer Utne in a boat.

NOK 29 million to make robots smarter

The EU is funding NTNU professor Ingrid Bouwer Utne’s work to make robots and autonomous systems understand situations better when there is imminent danger and give operators insight into what they are actually ‘thinking’.

Image showing a naval officer on a ship's bridge. On the issue of seafarers and the safety of self-driving ships.

Proud seafarers have strong doubts about the safety of autonomous ships

Despite their great trust in on-board autopilots, bridge officers do not believe that autonomous ships will make shipping safer. Moreover, the greater the professional commitment and pride of the bridge officers, the less confidence they have in automation increasing safety at sea.